Book: The Window Display Art of Linda Edwards at Blueberry Hill Restaurant & Music Club in St. Louis



$25 for one, $40 for two!

Savor this fascinating coffee table art book about the unique window display art of Linda Edwards in Blueberry Hill’s famous corner window. 

In a corner space of the building with expansive windows facing onto the street on two sides, Linda stages visually striking displays and orchestrates innovative live performances. The one‑of‑a‑kind creative displays range from holiday tours de force like Mrs. Santa’s Kitchen and Irish Bachelor on St. Patrick’s Day to off‑the‑wall concepts like Rosemary’s Baby Shower and The Terrifying Dentist’s Chair on Halloween.

The book is written and designed by Linda’s daughter Hope Edwards, who designed the award-winning 29-ft tall animated neon sign for Magic Mini Golf.

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